Group Classes
Feldenkrais classes to help you move, breathe and sleep better
“One of the most eye-opening and fascinating classes I’ve ever been to. I’ve discovered so much freedom of movement that I never felt was possible. I can’t recommend this practise strongly enough.”
— Catherine, class attendee
Classes, Chichester & Online
Feldenkrais in the studio
Mondays 8pm–9pm
All levels
Studio Life, Chichester. Directions
Reconnect with your body, release tension, and tap into your brain’s ability to create lasting habits for moving with efficiency & ease. Open to all, contact me if you’d like to check if the class is suitable for your individual needs.
Term time only.
Feldenkrais online
Tuesdays 8pm–9pm
All levels
Zoom Class
A class to help you reconnect with your body, release tension, and tap into your brain’s ability to create lasting habits for moving with efficiency & ease. Class held online via Zoom. Contact Hannah for link.
Term time only.
What to expect
Feldenkrais group classes help you:
Move, breathe & sleep better
Enhance body awareness & embodiment
Rewire your brain to build more efficient habits
Classes often start with a body scan, then small movements in lying or sitting that build into bigger, whole body actions. We explore clear movement functions such as turning, bending, reaching, etc and movements based on the developmental movements babies go through as they learn to move.
You’ll be guided to notice subtle details in your body as you move and you learn to trust your internal sensations. You get more present in your body and out of your head! Classes are taught verbally without a visual demonstration and there’s no right or wrong- just you exploring what feels right for you without competition or stress. Through this you give your brain the conditions it needs to rewire for lasting change.
Classes give you an immediate experience of improved movement, people describe feeling taller, lighter, more grounded and comfortable. Over time you’ll develop the ability to find this for yourself at any time.
Frequently asked questions
No, if you’re curious to explore moving better that’s enough to get started.
No fancy gear required! Just clothes that allow you to move freely. Warm layers are recommended, we won’t be working up a sweat! Most people favour tracksuit bottoms or leggings. Contact lens wearers may wish to remove them to be comfortable as many prefer to do Feldenkrais with closed eyes.
It’s a gentle class and I’m happy to modify movements as needed. If you have injuries or are dealing with particular conditions or issues it’s best to have a phone chat with me beforehand to talk it through. You need to be able to get up and down from the floor to lie on your mat.
What attendees are saying